Government plan to scrap Natural England?
Government plan to scrap Natural England? Campaigners have raised the alarm after spotting the proposal buried in a recent government consultation on nature recovery
Government plan to scrap Natural England? Campaigners have raised the alarm after spotting the proposal buried in a recent government consultation on nature recovery
Boomtown Festival: 14 week ‘construction and scaffolding’ could mar the South Downs landscape east of Winchester
The Government are seeking public support for their proposed changes regarding National Parks and AONBs via a public consultation which closes on 9 April 2022. This blog is intended to help prepare for those who wish to respond
PUB:IC SURVEY: University of Kent students are conducting a survey about the use green spaces
FREE Webinar: Climate Change: Meeting the challenge for Nature, Wildlife and the countryside: Thurs 25th November – 6pm
CPRE invite everyone to join the Hedgerow Hike in September to celebrate hedgerows, get some exercise and help raise funds for CPRE Sussex. You can sign up from 1 July. Find out how to take part. “Hedgerows are vitally important, they are major features of the Sussex landscape and essential habitats supporting over 2,000 species, […]
Did you know there was a Countryside Code? It is produced by the UK Government’s natural environment watchdog, Natural England. It has a statutory duty to produce and promote the Code to guide people visiting the countryside and to advise landowners and managers in relation to access on their land. CLICK HERE to see the […]