
We welcome organisations to join us who are based in or near the South Downs National Park, and who are concerned to conserve and protect the environment.

We also welcome:

  • Supporters to join our supporter network
  • Sponsors to help us by making a contribution to the running costs and projects of our organisation

We are a non profit making organisation. We aim to convert to charity status in 2023/2024. Annual Accounts are available from our treasurer:


Please join using the form below:

SDN Application Form (PDF format)

SDN Application Form (Word Format)

SUPPORTERS (individuals)

Please become a supporter by using the form below:

Supporter form (PDF Format)

Supporter form (Word Format)


Please become a sponsor by using the form below:

Sponsor form (PDF format)

Sponsor form (Word format)

Please email or post your form to:

By Post: Membership, South Downs Network, CPRE Office, Browning Farm, Uckfield TN22 5HG

Please also see About Us – South Downs Network for more information the South Downs Network. Please see the Constitution/Terms of Reference

If you have recently joined, become a supporter or become a sponsor please let us know by completing this mail form so we can check for receipt of your Direct Debit or payment. Please use this form if you have any other questions. Thank you

© 2025 South Downs Network