SCATE Autumn Gathering information and SIGN UP! Saturday 16th October

Join SCATE 2021 Autumn Gathering: an opportunity to meet fellow campaigners, hear from inspiring speakers and attend workshops. Sign up here.

FREE ENTRY – you must register to attend: Click HERE to register and get your ticket

About this event
Our theme for the day is: ‘Does new housing development have to mean more traffic and more roads? Are there other options?’

We’ll hear from Lisa Hopkinson of Transport for Quality of Life, and other speakers yet to be announced. We’ll take part in discussion workshops and get the opportunity to network with groups working on sustainable transport across the south coast.

Please arrive at 1pm to give time to settle in. Lunch will be provided. There will be vegetarian and vegan options. Other dietary requirements can be catered for if enough notice is given.
Please share this event by forwarding this email and sharing our posts on social media.
Day Schedule
13.00: Doors open, Lunch and Stalls from member groups.
13.15: Lunch / How to make good campaign videos and graphics (workshop by the SCATE campaign support officer for those interested).
14.00: Welcome and Speakers
15.00: Q&A*
15.30: Coffee break (+ stalls from member groups)
15.50: Discussion workshops and AGM
17.30: End and socialising
* Q&A panel hosted by Chris Todd of Transport Action Network and including David Johnson of CPRE Sussex )

2 thoughts on “SCATE Autumn Gathering information and SIGN UP! Saturday 16th October

  1. Trying to gain support from local Chichester campaign groups – those to the south of Chichester are typically prisoners due increasingly to the realignment of the A27 to favour through traffic.
    In sharing this Arundel Meeting Link …
    “Highways England (now National Highways) have a master plan for a South of London Outer Orbital … AKA the A/M27 … current manifestations include the many years of work on the M27 8 lane smart motorway and the Arundel Grey Route Bypass (many current projects through Lewes eastwards. One cited driver is the planned expansion of Gatwick Airport with Sat Nav directing traffic away from the gridlocked M25.

    We cannot go on building new roads – it induces more traffic, and the environmental destruction and £costs are too high. There are other options … Please support:”

    1. Dear Phillip, the South Downs Network agree that the blinkered thinking of a ‘roads only’ transport strategy is not going to cut congestion, cut pollution and cut emissions. Come to the SCATE Autumn Gathering in Arundel this Saturday to find out more

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