Online Talk with George Monbiot – Wed 18th Jan

Wednesday 18 January 2023 2:00pm on line Webinar organised by the Friends of the South Downs (members of the South Downs Network) – talk by George Monbiot. (Photo by Stuart Simpson)

Book your Ticket by clicking HERE £10

This webinar is the first in the Friends of the South Downs series of online Centenary Talks.

George is an award-winning investigative environmental journalist and author of several cutting-edge books including Feral: Rewilding the Land, Sea and Human Life and his latest publication, Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet. He writes a regular column for The Guardian.  

The talk will focus on the role that societies will be playing in the future. This talk will interest anyone who cares about the environment.

George was recently elected an honorary fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford. He’s working with other members of the college and people from other academic and commercial institutes on a very interesting and potentially transformative scientific project. He was very surprised to win the Orwell Prize for Journalism and used the occasion to lambast the media for doing more harm to the living planet than the fossil fuel industry.

Proceeds from this talk will be donated to Rewilding Britain and The Friends of the South Downs.

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