West Sussex County Council is preparing to publish the Draft West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036 (WSTP) for consultation from Friday 16th July to Friday 8th October. They are reviewing the WSTP to update the County Council’s approach to managing and investing in the transport network. West Sussex will be hosting two webinars as part of the consultation to introduce the Draft Plan where officers will also be available to respond to questions. These will be hosted on Microsoft Teams and will be on:
– Thursday 22 July 10am-11:30
– Wednesday 8 September 2pm-3:30
If you would like to attend one of these webinars, please email ltp@westsussex.gov.uk and West Sussex will provide you with joining instructions. Depending on demand they may need to limit attendees at the webinars so places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
In autumn, 2020, they invited views about the key transport issues and priorities through the WSTP review survey. Respondents expressed a range of concerns such as impacts on the environment, congestion, road safety, rat-running, lack of cycling infrastructure, rural accessibility and the impacts of planned development, and this information has been taken into account in preparation of the draft Plan. CLICK HERE for the report from this survey, and further information about the plan.
Questions? please contact email: ltp@westsussex.gov.uk or telephone 01243 642105.