Attack on Nature!

Despite the passing of the Environment Act in 2021 the UK Government are still proposing to proceed with the revocation of protection conferred by EU regulations in a new law entitled “Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill”. The Bill, if passed, will allow just one minister, without reference to parliament, to delete any or all the environmental protections built up over the last 47 years!

This is why the South Downs Network is fully supporting the #AttackOnNature campaign and the concerns raised with Government in a letter signed by 78 environmental, animal welfare and heritage organisations including RSPB, Rivers Trust, and CPRE the Countryside Charity For more information from individual organisations see:

RSPB, Sussex Wildlife Group, Hampshire & IoW Wildlife Group, National Trust

Under the Bill, most EU retained law (EU law that was retained to form part of UK law after Brexit) will be “sunsetted” (ended) by the end of December next year. This means that it will be automatically repealed unless Ministers decide to maintain it before 31 December 2023. According to the Bill’s wording the overall effect of any change must not increase the ‘regulatory burden’ on ‘business’ but these burdens are not explained nor is ‘business’ defined. This is a clear statement of intent that the Bill is designed to help promote ‘growth’ (the definition of which is also not explained) in the UK economy, this Government’s priority. The scale of this review is enormous and the timetable is short. There are 570 laws relating to the environment alone, of which 437 are yet to be reviewed.

The Bill has had its ‘first reading’ in Parliament. The ‘second reading’ will give MPs and the Lords to an opportunity to debate it and vote on it. The Conservatives hold an 80 seat majority so they can force it through unless sufficient Conservative MPs vote against it. 

Please would you support the environmental groups by writing to your MP? Please use these links:

Sussex Wildlife Trust


Or if you prefer, use this template letter to send your own wording:

For more information see our explainer and link to sending you comments to the Government direct – click HERE

3 thoughts on “Attack on Nature!

  1. Please, please don’t support this wickedly destructive bill ! Landscapes once destroyed are destroyed forever !

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