#Attack on nature: take action!

It’s been a hectic few months for wildlife and environmental organisations. Under Liz Truss, the UK Government introduced a Bill in Parliament which many highly respected organisations like the RSPB, the National Trust and Wildlife Trusts labelled an #AttackOnNature. In October, Rishi Sunak became the UK’s new Prime Minister, and we were all hopeful he would abandon the unnecessary removal of legal protections for wildlife and nature but sadly he seems to be allowing the parliamentary bandwagon to roll on. However, the outpouring of support from wildlife and environmental organisations has had some effect. The draft legislation will, if passed by the Government, remove 570 legal protections for nature. Here’s what’s happened so far – and how you can continue to take action for nature.

Firstly how you can continue to take action:

  • We need you to convince MPs from all political parties to take positive actions for nature. We support RSPB when they say “We want you to start having urgent face to face conversations with your MP” By having polite, peaceful & respectful conversations – we can help MPs to understand just how many people love wildlife and give them confidence to step up for nature.  

Secondly here is an update on the story so far:

Investment Zones 
The Chancellor has announced that Investment Zones will not be taken forward as previously planned. We still need to see the details, but it’s good news that it’s not full steam ahead.  

Nature-friendly farming 
We also know that nature-friendly farming schemes won’t be altogether scrapped as feared. That said, we are still expecting the UK Government to announce changes to the schemes by the end of the year.  

Nature’s protections 
There are still major threats to nature on the horizon. We need to see the Retained EU Law Bill (REUL Bill) binned. And we still need to see targets and plans for the UK Government’s delivery of the Environment Act to restore 30% of land for nature by 2030.

For more information see the RSPB’s update by CLICKING HERE

If you would like more information from the South Downs Network – see our posts October 2022 which are still relevant , including help in writing to your MP click below:

Attack on Nature!

Destruction of UK’s nature in the name of ‘growth’

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