A27 East of Lewes: roadworks in 2020/2021

Over the last few years, there has been much talk and controversy over the possibility of a ‘motorway’ style road being constructed from Lewes to Polegate. The debate will go on for some time as to whether or not a scheme is formally announced by the Government as part of it’s Road Infrastructure Strategy. In the meantime, SCATE and their local action group SCATE East Sussex are actively working for an alternative that might see further improvements to the existing road and to bus and rail improvements thus saving a major intrusion to the rural environment. Until then, there are roadworks underway to improve the existing road:

Highway England roadworks

Back in 2019 Highway England said in a leaflet: “The A27 East of Lewes scheme is a package of works worth £75 million that was included in the government’s 2015-2020 Road Investment Strategy”, and “Work is scheduled to start on 25 May, 2020”. At the time they said a shared-use path for cyclists and pedestrians will be constructed along the south side of the A27 between Firle and Polegate. The junction improvements at Polegate will take around a year to complete – following that will be the construction of the shared cycleway and footpath.

Highways England said the changes will be:

Polegate junction: Reconfiguration of the A27/A2270 Junction to provide more capacity widening of the road to two lanes between the junction and the Cophall roundabout and signalisation of Gainsborough Lane.

Wilmington junction: Provision of a Pegasus crossing and upgraded footways. A Pegasus crossing, also known as an equestrian crossing, is a type of signalised pedestrian crossing with special consideration for horse riders as it enables them to cross the road and operate the crossing button without having to dismount.

Berwick roundabout: Enlargement of existing roundabout, widened junction entry and exists two lanes and upgrade of crossing to Pegasus standared.

Shared-use path: Provision of new shared-use path between Firle and Polegate with signalised crossing at Firle and pedestrian crossing island at Selmeston.

Maintenance bays: We will also be providing two maintenance bays.

For more information on the project go to:

We have created a scheme page and will keep it updated. You can reach it at: https://highwaysengland.co.uk/our-work/south-east/a27-east-of-lewes/

Updates will also be posted on the Highways England South East Twitter account: @HighwaysSEAST

If you have any other questions about the scheme or require further information, you can email us at: A27EastofLewes@highwaysengland.co.uk


More information on the SCATE East Sussex Campaign can be found on Facebook. Other websites also cover the subject such as this A27 Facebook page. See also these Twitter pages: @SCATE_transport and @scateeastsussex.

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