The South Downs Network (SDN) works as a collaborative ‘hub’ in partnership with local organisations and charities to support their interests and protect the environment of the South Downs National Park.
Our pro-active network has evolved from the ‘South Downs Campaign’, where for over 20 years we brought 160 local, regional and national groups together, to fight for National Park designation. Following this achievement, the South Downs Network was formed in 2010 with the mission to protect the Park and to raise any future concerns within the SDNPA.
The South Downs Network is currently made up of over 40 independent groups and charities across the South Downs National Park including organisations such as CPRE and the Wildlife Trusts in Hampshire and Sussex (for a list of member organisations see Our Members | South Downs Network).
We share relevant information and will campaign for the best possible environmental outcomes to protect the beauty and landscape of the Park. Our aim is to ensure careful planning to build a green, sustainable future, and to contribute to meeting the UK’s decarbonisation target to cut emissions by at least 68% by 2030.
We are keen to promote environmental projects, good causes and opportunities to enhance the enjoyment and benefits of the National Park for its communities.
Another important role for the SDN is to promote our collective knowledge of issues, opportunities, and threats to our communities across the National Park, involving our members on relevant concerns. These can include a whole array of issues from adverse aspects of new planning developments and changes in legislation/regulations.
The SDN are members of the South Downs Partnership and through this, we meet with the Chair and Chief Officers at the South Downs National Park Authority. As a network spanning 1,627 sq km across the Park, we stand united with our members and will raise concerns and make any necessary objections to the SDNPA if and when required, with media coverage where appropriate.
Membership Benefits
The SDN also is a channel for organisations to use regarding joint projects, sharing of events and networking within the South Downs. The SDN members can communicate with each other within a dedicated email group.
We hold 4 meetings a year of the Executive which all member organisations are invited to attend. From time to time the SDN organise seminars and talks to help better inform members. We are an ‘observing’ member of the Campaign for National Parks and are represented on Transport for the South East.
The SDN can help share information to a wider audience, circulate questions and issues which are of concern to our members. With the launch of the new website and social media presence (Facebook, Twitter and Linked In) the SDN can help member organisations promote events and rise awareness to issues of concern for them.
We are now concentrating our efforts to meet the challenge of protecting the landscape and the beauty of the South Downs by the many environmental and development threats that sadly now seem to be upon us.
Join the SDN and work with us on the many challenges the countryside faces.
Thank you.
The South Downs Network